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Privacy Policy

Grau Despreocupado, Lda is committed to ensuring that your personal information is protected. Our websites are structured in such a way that it is generally possible to visit them without identifying yourself or revealing any personal information. When you choose to provide us with information relating to your personal data (any information by which you can be identified), you can be assured that it will only be used in accordance with our privacy policy.


  1. What information do we collect?

The types of information we collect include personal and non-personal data such as cookies, usage data and statistics, e-mail address, telephone number, name, location and country. You can find more information about the data collected in our privacy policy.


1.1 Personal data: provided exclusively by the user/customer, of their own free will, and collected when the user subscribes to a newsletter, makes a request to visit a property, sends a canvassing request for a property, applies for a job vacancy, sends a message via a contact form or a contact request via our online chat system.


The personal data you voluntarily provide to us on our websites may include your name, e-mail address, telephone number, address, town and country. All data collected is encrypted and managed with the highest security standards.


1.2 Non-personal data: data about the use and operation of our websites and services that is not associated with a specific personal identity.


Grau Despreocupado, Lda collects and analyses non-personal information to evaluate how users use our websites and services.


The non-personal data we collect may include the pages visited on the Grau Despreocupado, Lda websites, unique URLs visited on the websites, browser type and IP address. Most non-personal data is collected with cookies by the http server for analysis and access statistics. The pages of the Grau Despreocupado, Lda website use cookies and other technologies for data analysis and personalisation services.


1.3 Data collected: the data collected is stored for a maximum period of 10 years, which is the period defined by law, as well as the maximum reasonable useful life of our computer equipment. At the end of this period, the data will be automatically destroyed. There are legal requirements to keep data for a minimum period. Therefore, whenever there is no specific legal requirement, the data will only be stored and kept for the minimum time necessary for the purposes for which it was collected or further processed, after which it will be deleted.


1.4 Access to data: the user is guaranteed the right to access, rectify, delete, limit, oppose or portability of their personal data collected and stored by Grau Despreocupado, Lda, via the e-mail address geral@graudespreocupado.pt.


  1. How we use your information


Your personal data is used by Grau Despreocupado, Lda to:

- Visit a property by requesting a visit on our websites;

 - Carry out all the administrative, financial and logistical management of the purchase, sale, lease or transfer of a property;


 - Providing online customer support, particularly via chat or other available technologies and platforms;

- Invite you to fill in questionnaires evaluating our services;

- Send property suggestions, based on a request made for this purpose, in accordance with the client's requirements. You will always be given the option to stop receiving this type of information by e-mail;

 - Sending information about services and property, for example in a newsletter. In this case, you will always be given the option to stop receiving this type of information via the newsletter.


  1. Who we share the data with


3.1 The data collected on our websites when you make a request to visit a property or an enquiry is transmitted in encrypted form to our web hosting company via a secure HTTPS connection and is stored securely and encrypted on the hosting company's servers.

3.2 The data collected on our websites when you make a request to visit a property or an enquiry is imported into our CRM so that our team can process the request made by the client. This data is collected and stored internally within the infrastructure of Grau Despreocupado, Lda and access to your data is only authorised for the employees responsible for processing your request. All access/consultation of your personal data is recorded and monitored.

3.3 The data collected in the user assistance services, namely via chat, or other available technologies and platforms, is transmitted in encrypted form to our web hosting, via a secure HTTPS connection, and is stored in a secure and encrypted form on the hosting company's servers.

3.4 Your personal data (name, telephone number, e-mail address) is imported into a database of the company responsible for sending and processing newsletters. This data will only be imported when you have authorised to receive our newsletter.

3.5 Your personal data (name, telephone number, e-mail address) is imported into a database of the company responsible for collecting opinions/surveys in order to assess your satisfaction with our services. This data is imported automatically. If you no longer wish to receive this type of communication, you can unsubscribe and request cancellation directly in the email you receive.

3.6 We use Microsoft technologies and tools to improve our products, services, websites and advertising. By using our sites, you agree that Grau Despreocupado, Lda and Microsoft collect and use this data for statistical, improvement and security purposes. No personally identifiable data is collected.


Usage data for our websites is collected using our own and third-party cookies and other tracking technologies to determine the popularity of products, services and activities on our websites. In addition, we use this information for site optimisation, fraud/online security purposes and advertising.


  1. Security and data protection


Grau Despreocupado, Lda is committed to ensuring the security of your personal data. To prevent unauthorised access or collection, as well as to maintain data accuracy and ensure the correct use of information, we have implemented physical, electronic and managerial procedures to protect the information we collect online. The data collected through our websites is stored by trusted companies with the highest security standards. We use various mechanisms to prevent data theft, such as a full HTTPS connection between the user's location and the server, antivirus, firewall, data encryption, etc.

Links to third-party websites from Grau Despreocupado, Lda sites are provided for your convenience only.


If you use these links, you will leave the website of Grau Despreocupado, Lda.


Grau Despreocupado, Lda has not reviewed third-party websites and does not control them, nor is it responsible for any of them, their content or their privacy policy.

In these terms, Grau Despreocupado, Lda will not be responsible for them, nor for any information, software or other products or materials found there, nor for any results obtained from using them. If you decide to access any of the third-party sites, you do so entirely at your own risk.


  1. Responsible for your personal data

Grau Despreocupado Lda, with its registered office at Rua Comandante Sacadura Cabral, Lote 31 S/C Dta 2620-288 Ramada with the Tax Identification Number 517845156, registered at the Odivelas Land Registry/Commercial Registry Office, holder of AMI licence no. , issued by the Institute of Public Markets in Real Estate and Construction (IMPIC), guarantees that the processing of your personal data is carried out within the scope of the purposes for which they were collected or for purposes compatible with those purposes;

It collects, uses and stores only the personal data necessary for the purpose in question;

It does not pass on any personal data for commercial or advertising purposes;

It processes personal data for legally prescribed purposes or to provide services at your request.


Grau Despreocupado, Lda is a company responsible for processing personal data under the terms of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (General Data Protection Regulation) and complementary legislation on the protection of personal data in force in the countries in which it operates.


  1. General Data Protection Regulation


Users can exercise their rights relating to the protection of their personal data by simply contacting geral@penhaprime.pt. It is possible to request additional information regarding the processing and handling of personal data. Please note that a fee may apply in the case of unfounded or excessive requests. To this end, we will require evidence that you are the owner of the personal data.


  1. Cookies

 Grau Despreocupado, Lda uses cookies on its websites for data analysis and personalisation services. Users can prevent the use of cookies through the settings of their internet browsers.


 7.1 How cookies help us:

- Improve the functioning of our website to enhance the user experience.

- Avoid the need to constantly apply filters.

- To remember your preferences when you visit the site.

- Increase site security and speed.

- Allow you to share pages on social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, etc.

- Personalising our site to help users quickly find what they want.

- Continuously improve our website for users.

- Provide a more efficient service.


7.2 We do not use cookies for:

- Obtaining confidential information without your express authorisation.

- Sell or rent your data to third parties.

- Sell or rent your data to advertising networks.

- Sell or rent your identifiable data to third parties.


7.3 More information about our cookies

We use cookies to make our website work, and to:

- Make it easier to navigate the shopping basket and online payments.

- Identify whether you are registered and authenticated on the site.

- Remember your search settings.

- Confirm that you have accepted our Terms and Conditions.

- Allow comments to be added to our site.

- Adapt the content to your needs.


It is not possible to prevent these cookies from being placed on your computer, unless you choose not to access the site.


7.4 Social Network Cookies:

With these cookies, you can easily interact with the content of our website on social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest, etc. using the social buttons on our website.


Cookies are set by:

- Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/about/privacy/)

- AddThis (http://www.addthis.com/privacy/privacy-policy)

- Instagram (https://privacycenter.instagram.com/policies/cookies/)

- Pinterest (http://pinterest.com/about/privacy/)

- Twitter (https://twitter.com/privacy)


The privacy implications of these sites vary depending on the social network and depend on the privacy settings you have chosen.


7.5 Anonymous Visitor Statistics Cookies:

We use these cookies to obtain visitor statistics, such as the number of visits, types of technology used, time spent on the site, pages visited, etc. This helps us to continually improve our site. These programmes also provide us, completely anonymously, with information on how visitors arrive at our site (e.g. via a search engine) and whether they have visited our site before.


7.6 How to prevent the use of cookies:

Users can prevent the use of cookies through the settings of their internet browsers. If you apply this limitation, some features or the performance of certain functions and tools may be affected.


7.6.1 How to manage cookies in different browsers:

- Google Chrome: Settings → Advanced settings → Privacy → Content settings.

- Internet Explorer: Tools → Internet Options → Privacy → Move the bar to block all cookies.

- Mozilla Firefox: Tools → Options → Privacy → Disable the "Accept cookies from websites" option.

- Safari: Edit → Preferences → Privacy → Select "Never" in the "Accept cookies" section.


  1. Release from liability

Grau Despreocupado, Lda cannot be held liable for any losses or damages in civil liability arising as a result of the correct or incorrect use of the website by the user, access to the user's computer and computer system by third parties, viruses, among other factors.


Grau Despreocupado, Lda is concerned about online security and implements appropriate technical, physical and logical protection measures to ensure that the sites are protected. However, it does not guarantee that the files available for download from the site are free of viruses, worms, Trojan horses, scripts or any other code or programme containing destructive or harmful properties.


The information found on the websites of Grau Despreocupado, Lda should be viewed as informative, and despite our efforts to keep the content up to date and reliable, it may contain inaccuracies or be out of date, and may be changed at any time without Grau Despreocupado, Lda being obliged to give prior notice. It is therefore not recommended to use this information when making a decision to buy, sell, rent or transfer a property.


Grau Despreocupado, Lda reserves the right to change the Privacy Policy at any time and, when this occurs, will publish the updated Privacy Policy. Contact can be made by e-mail to geral@penhaprime.pt.